It started with a cowgirl and a calf.
The passion behind Cowgirl Compost started when a young girl raised her first dairy calf. A deep connection was made and developed over the years as our very own Cowgirl held various roles on her family dairy farm. Our Cowgirl understood good dairy stewardship and one simple idea stood out to her: happy cows make for happy farmers. The key: keep the dairy cow-girls clean and give them nutritious (delicious!) food.
In 2013, our Cowgirl saw the opportunity at the intersection of happy cows and soil amendments. And Cowgirl Compost was born!
Cowgirl Compost is a certified woman-owned small business headquartered in Boise, Idaho. We produce all of our products locally, right here in our home State.

Featured Articles:
The Supply Side: Small compost supplier growing sales with Walmart. Read more…
Dairy cow pens to Walmart shelves. Read more…
Idaho company Cowgirl Compost has success at Walmart Open Call. Watch full interview here…